Coaching Services

8 Week Entrepreneur Coaching

Week 1 - Ideation

Ideation is essential when starting up; it’s the spark that transforms concepts into impactful solutions. Through structured ideation, startups identify unique value propositions and align their offerings with real market needs. This critical first step lays the foundation for innovation, differentiation, and sustainable growth. Without effective ideation, even the best resources can fall short of achieving success.

Week 2 - Domain Understanding & Validation

Domain understanding is crucial for startup success, as it brings depth and relevance to product development, strategy and idea validation. A strong grasp of the industry landscape helps identify real pain points, anticipate trends, and tailor solutions that truly resonate with the target market. With solid domain expertise, startups can differentiate themselves, make informed decisions, and accelerate their path to market fit. Without it, even the most innovative ideas risk falling short in execution.

Week 3 - Market Research

Market research is the compass that guides startups through the fog of uncertainty, revealing whether their innovative solutions align with genuine market needs or merely solve imaginary problems. By gathering both quantitative data and qualitative insights, entrepreneurs can validate their assumptions about customer pain points, market size, and competitive landscape before investing precious resources. This critical intelligence helps startups refine their product-market fit, optimize pricing strategies, and identify the most promising customer segments to target first. Without thorough market research, startups risk building solutions in search of problems, potentially leading to wasted time, depleted capital, and missed opportunities in adjacent markets.

Week 4 - Value Preposition & Business Modeling

A clear value proposition and strong business model are vital for any startup to thrive. They define how a product uniquely meets customer needs and outline the pathway to generate sustainable revenue. By honing these elements, startups create compelling reasons for customers to choose their solution over competitors. Without a well-crafted value proposition and model, even great ideas struggle to gain traction and deliver impact.

Week 5 - Revenue Operations

Revenue operations are critical for new products and startups, as they unify sales, marketing, and customer success efforts to maximize revenue growth. By streamlining processes and data across teams, RevOps ensures that every customer interaction is optimized, and growth opportunities are fully leveraged. This approach enhances efficiency, clarity, and scalability, which are essential for early-stage success. Without effective revenue operations, startups risk misaligned efforts and missed revenue potential.

Week 6 - Creating Hooks & Story Telling

Storytelling and creating compelling hooks are vital for new products and startups, as they capture attention and emotionally connect with the audience. A strong narrative transforms a product from a simple solution into an inspiring journey, helping customers see its value in their lives. Well-crafted hooks spark curiosity and engagement, paving the way for brand loyalty and advocacy. Without these elements, even innovative products may struggle to resonate and grow.

Week 7 - Business & Technology Roadmap

Creating business and technology roadmaps for your startup is crucial as they provide a clear vision and strategic direction, aligning all stakeholders. They help in identifying milestones and setting realistic timelines, which in turn facilitates better resource allocation and risk management. By anticipating future needs and challenges, these roadmaps ensure your startup stays adaptable and competitive. Ultimately, they transform visionary ideas into actionable steps, driving sustained growth and innovation.

Week 8 - Pitch Deck, Elevator Pitch

A pitch deck and elevator pitch are essential tools for conveying an idea’s value quickly and effectively. The pitch deck provides a structured overview of the concept, market opportunity, and growth potential, while the elevator pitch distills this into a powerful, concise statement. Together, they enable founders to capture attention, build credibility, and spark investor interest. Without a compelling pitch, even strong ideas may fail to gain the traction they deserve.

5 weeks to Startup

Check out my 5 Weeks to Startup Playlist on YouTube

8 Week Entrepreneur Coaching

grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
Duration of Coaching

8 Weeks / 8 - 16 Sessions (Depends on session duration)

Coaching Delivery


Session duration

90-120 Minutes / Session


Founders in India - Rs. 50,000 + GST

Guaranteed outcomes
  • Business Plan

  • Pitch Desk

8 Week Product Management Coaching

Duration of Coaching

8 Weeks

1 session each week

Daily Quiz and Exercise on WhatsApp

Coaching Delivery


Session duration

90-120 Minutes / Session

Batch Size - 5 Participants ONLY
Coaching Framework
  1. Introduction to Product Management

  2. User Research & Customer Development

  3. Product Discovery & Prioritisation

  4. Product Requirements & Specifications

  5. Product Development Process

  6. Data Driven Decision Making

  7. Product Launch & GTM

  8. Product Life cycle Management

Cost - Rs. 6,000 + GST

Product Market Fit Coaching

What? - A focused coaching service aimed at guiding early-stage founders to validate and refine their product ideas until they reach a clear product-market fit.

Why? Many entrepreneurs struggle to find a sustainable, scalable market for their product. With your expertise, you could help them identify target audiences, validate solutions, iterate on their product offerings, and create a solid foundation for growth.

How? Finding product-market fit is a top pain point for startups, and this service offers a practical, outcome-oriented solution that addresses it directly.

Product Market Fit Coaching

grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
Duration of Coaching

4 Weeks

Coaching Delivery


Session duration

90-120 Minutes / Session


Founders in India - Rs. 32,000 + GST

Founders Elsewhere - AUD $580 + GST

Guaranteed outcomes
  • Product/Market Fit Analysis

Vision and Storytelling Coaching for Investor and Market Success

What? This coaching focuses on helping founders articulate their vision, mission, and value proposition in a way that resonates with both investors and customers.

Why? Effective storytelling is vital for securing funding and building a brand. You could guide founders through refining their pitch, crafting a compelling narrative, and communicating their value proposition authentically and persuasively.

How? Many startups struggle to stand out in a crowded market, and investors often choose founders who can clearly communicate their vision. Founders know this is key to their success and often seek outside help to get it right.

Vision and Storytelling Coaching

grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
Duration of Coaching

4 Weeks

Coaching Delivery


Session duration

90-120 Minutes / Session


Founders in India - Rs. 32,000 + GST

Founders Elsewhere - AUD $580 + GST

Guaranteed outcomes
  • Product Story

  • Elevator Pitch